FaithPros - Marketplace Ministry

Welcome to FaithPros Marketplace Ministry

The Church has Left the Building©

"Faith will work without prayer, but prayer will not work without faith," is the Faith Professional Network's mantra when it comes to following our God-given purpose. Marketplace Minister, Author and Leadership Coach Jeffrey White II mentors Faith Professionals on all levels. "When your vision is inside God, it's called purpose. When God's purpose gets inside of you, it's called vision," is what Jeff is teaching others at FaithPros.

For GOD's WORD to reach its dominating potential, it must be taken out of the four walls of the church and launched into the Global Marketplace with the "Dunamis" Power of God. Wherever we go - whether that's at home, work, school, shopping centers, parks, or even on social media - we are called to engage in ministry. Just like the early Church; God wants to empower and equip a multitude of men and women who will also function outside the Church's four walls, "The Church has Left the Building!™."

Tapping into the Power of God
Tapping into the Power of God
There's only one way to return God's Word unto Him, and that's by confessing it as being present tense truth in your life! Therefore, no matter what problems people are faced with, whether they are related to health issues, marital problems, financial struggles, or concern about their children, my counsel is always the same: find two or three promises from the Word of God that cover your case.
Your Wealthy Place
Your Wealthy Place
When you discover your purpose and/or the problem God created you to solve, you will be on the road to locating and entering your wealthy place. It's absolutely the will of God for you to be wealthy - rich in character, quality, or abundance. God wants you to have "running-over" money and resources to fulfill His purpose and/or solve a problem that influences everyone around you. Learn seven practical principles to achieve your wealthy place!
Customer Engagement Training
Customer Engagement Training
Our training summarizes the strongest tips found within the areas of professional sales and marketing. Our goal is to help you direct customers from the global marketplace to your product, service or idea and to generate revenue faster by filling your sales pipeline with rich opportunities. We'll show you a step-by-step direct sales strategy that helps you get in front of the right people with the right message!

Learn more about the Faith Professional Network where authority, wealth, creativity, political know-how, entrepreneurial skills and problem-solving abilities possessed by Christians today are being utilized daily in the Global Marketplace.

According to Bill Winston, a widely respected pastor, business leader and author of Faith and the Marketplace, "Christianity was never meant to be dictated; it was meant to be demonstrated. Your job becomes your pulpit, your performance becomes your platform, and the marketplace becomes your parish."

A Dream Comes Through By Jeffrey White II

A Dream Comes Through By Jeffrey L. White II

While the Great Commission is not a Marketing Manifesto, we do know that the 12 Disciples followed exactly what Jesus told them and they got miraculous results. We are told to "Cast our nets into the deep!" Following the right marketing plan with your ideas at the right time can bring in more income then you could ever imagine. Therefore, having the right business strategy and an effective life coach are both critical components for how to promote and sell your product, service or idea successfully in the Global Marketplace.

Here's a sneak peek of some topics covered in this download:

  • Your Passion is Your Purpose
  • Failing Forward - In the Beginning
  • Women of God Prevail - A Female's Climb
  • Your Wealthy Place - The Seven Principles
  • Customer Engagement Training & Strategy

Jeff shows you how to build a business opportunity pipeline through globalization and offers step-by-step sales strategies for both individuals and small businesses. As a successful life coach, he illustrates how to get in front of the right people with your brand and message.

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The MEN INBLK Life Blueprint By Jeffrey White II

The MEN INBLK Life Blueprint By Jeffrey L. White II

Inspired by Martin Luther Kings, "Life's Blueprint" Speech, targeting Self-Worth, Work-Ethic, and Excellence; The MEN INBLK© Life Blueprint, is a manualized handbook of instructions, "How U Act'n" | "Standards of Excellence", Core Characteristics, Behaviors, and Skill-sets, that MEN INBLK© must own, inorder to obtain and secure their Self-Worth, and make "Life-Long Critical Thinking Decisions".

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The MEN INBLK Life Blueprint By Jeffrey White II

The Power Inside By Jeffrey L. White II

The Holy Spirit is that still small voice inside you, that when listened to: comforts you, directs your path, brings things to your remembrance, and shows you things to come. The key is: Seek HIS Voice - GOD The Creator, through meditation, prayer, and worship...Above All Else, Trust - JLW

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The MEN INBLK Life Blueprint By Jeffrey White II

Health~Fitness~Nutrition Blueprint & Guide Part I by Jeffrey L White II

The Health~Fitness~Nutrition Blueprint & Guide©, represents The Tree of Life - physical and spiritual nourishment, transformation, liberation, union, and fertility. As well as, enlightenment, wisdom, resilience, longevity, and connectivity.

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About FaithPros

Jeffrey L. White II is a Marketplace Minister, Author and Leadership Coach. Jeffrey is an ordained minister with a B.S. Degree in Business Management with over 30,000 practicum hours in Theological Studies, Business Development and Pastoral Leadership respectively. Jeff has owned and operated various companies and organizations, including a financial services business, a non-denominational ministry and a medical staffing firm. Today, Jeff is the Founder and CEO of the Social Commerce Network -

Jeff accepted his "calling" as a Pastor/Teacher over 30 years ago. From that time forward, he has been a man on a mission to teach and demonstrate the applicable Word of God as a Marketplace Minister.

As a result, Jeff experiences great joy that comes to people realizing they are free to minister within the public square. Many of his followers are pioneers led by God's Spirit that are just beginning to understand that they haven't been sent except by God. They are compelled by the thrill of being used by God to be Ministers in the Marketplace.

Marquis Who's Who in America - Honored Listee

Marquis Who's Who in America - Honored Listee

Marquis Who's Who in America, "endeavors to profile the leaders of American society; those men and women who are influencing their nation's development".

Marquis Who's Who publications presents unmatched coverage of the lives of today's leaders and achievers from both the United States and around the World, and from every significant field of endeavor, librarians, students, researchers, athletes, engineers, scientists, artists, corporate executives, journalists, etc.

"To be able to [read about] the lives of these people that have been through so much... it's so extraordinary; the lessons, the discouragements they've faced, everything about them." - Warren Buffett

A Faith Professional is a Marketplace Minister.

The Faith Professional Network, where "A Dream Comes Through The Multitude of Business", operates on the cutting edge of Marketplace Ministry. Our Network is a brilliant and comprehensive, blueprint and roadmap to success - showing individuals how to: express and energize their faith, discover and build a life of purpose, produce top-quality work, and promote Brand U!! ©.

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